Grades are determined by a grade point system.
9-12 High School Band
Attendance 4 points possible per session 33 percent of grade
Participation 4. points possible per session 33 percent of grade
Performance 4.0 grade point possible per performance 33 percent of grade
Students are required to attend every rehearsal and sectional that has been scheduled. Students are graded on earned points per rehearsal. Grades are calculated weekly. Total points earned per week are divided into the number of rehearsals/sectionals per week to determine the weekly grade point average.
Grade Point Scale (weekly, quarterly and semester)
3.6 - 4.0 = A, 3.1 – 3.5 = B, 2.6 – 3.0 = C, 2.1 – 2.5 = D, 2.0 below = F
Student attendance will be documented for each rehearsal/sectional. Excused absences and tardiness are valid only if the student provides a written note signed by the parent, guardian, teacher or administrator and will not be weighted against the student grade. Unexcused absences will result in zero points for the rehearsal/sectional. Unexcused tardiness will result in a one point deduction at the start of the rehearsal and a one point deduction for every 10 minutes of missed rehearsal/sectional.
Students are required to participate in at all times during rehearsal and sectional time. Student class participation evaluation will be at the discretion of the director. Students are graded on earned points per rehearsal. The student grade in the participation category will be calculated weekly. Total points earned per week are divided into the number of rehearsals/sectionals per week to determine the weekly grade point average.
Grade Point Scale (weekly, quarterly and semester)
3.6 - 4.0 = A, 3.1 – 3.5 = B, 2.6 – 3.0 = C, 2.1 – 2.5 = D, 2.0 below = F
Student participation points will be documented for each rehearsal/sectional. Class participation is defined as active instructional engagement that promote student learning and comprehension. Excused absences and tardiness are valid only if the student provides a written note signed by the parent, guardian, teacher or administrator and will not be weighted against the student grade. Unexcused absences will result in zero points for the rehearsal/sectional. Non engagement or irresponsible behavior will result in ‘zero points for the rehearsal/sectional.
Students are evaluated and graded on performance output during a grading period. Student performance evaluation will be at the discretion of the director. Students are graded on a grade point scale per performance. Grade points earned per performance are divided into the number of performances per grading period to determine the weekly/quarterly point average.
Grade Point Scale (weekly, quarterly and semester)
3.6 - 4.0 = A, 3.1 – 3.5 = B, 2.6 – 3.0 = C, 2.1 – 2.5 = D, 2.0 below = F
Performance output is define as performance on playing tests, concerts, recitals, and contests. Personal preparation along with contributions to the ensemble and section will factor significantly in a good performance grade.
Excused performances are valid if a signed written note is provided by the parent prior to the missed performance. The student will be required to do a make up assignment for the missed performance.
I have read and understand the grading policy and agree to follow the guidelines set forth in it.
Student Signature___________________________________________
Parent Signature_____________________________________________Date____________________